E-mail: tridel@ukr.net
Web of Science ID V-3753-2018
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6980-7975
Publons V-3753-2018
Mendeley 57210808202
Scopus ID 57210808202
Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?hl=ru&user=ORYZTCQAAAAJ
Date of birth – May 1, 1977.
1999 – graduated from Sumy Pedagogical Institute named after A.S. Makarenko, the Faculty of Foreign Language. Title of qualification awarded is English, German and Foreign Literature Teacher (equivalent to Master’s Degree).
1999 – 2002 - English Language Teacher of the Germanic Philology Chair, Sumy Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko
2002 – 2008 - English Language Teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages, Sumy National Agrarian University
2008 – 2011 - senior teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages, Sumy National Agrarian University
2011 – Postgraduate Programme in Pedagogy, PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Pedagogy. The theme of the scientific research is “Ways to form agricultural universities students’ motivation in the process of learning foreign languages”.
2012 – 2018 - Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, Sumy National Agrarian University
2018 – 2020 - senior teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages, Sumy National Agrarian University
2020 – was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor
2020 – Present - Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, Sumy National Agrarian University
Main activities and responsibilities are as follows: participation in the organizational work of the department and faculty, conducting career guidance activities in educational institutions of Romny district Sumy oblast, delivery of practical classes in teaching English as a foreign language and Legal English for students of A1-B 2 levels.
Area of expertise: Innovation approaches to teaching a foreign language in agrarian universities
Provides methodological support of the educational process. Has 51 publications in the academic journals, including those indexed in Web of Science and Scopus, but not limited to:
Ridel T.M. Peculiarities of overcoming difficulties as a key pedagogical condition for the development of cognitive independence of non-linguistic higher education students when learning a foreign language / T.M. Ridel, T.O. Kyrychenko // Innovative pedagogy. Scientific journal of the Black Sea Research Institute of Economics and Innovation. - "Helvetica" Publishing House. No. 36, 2021. – P. 237-241. ISSN 2663-6085 (Print), ISSN 2663-6093 (Online) http://innovpedagogy.od.ua/archives/2021/36/51.pdf
Ridel T.M. The essence of cross-cultural interaction in teaching adults a foreign language / T.M. Ridel, T.O. Kyrychenko // Current issues of humanitarian sciences: interuniversity collection of scientific works of young scientists of Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University of Drogobych. - Drohobych: "Helvetika" Publishing House, 2021. - Vol. 45. Volume 2. 202 p., p. 126-132. ISSN 2308-4855 (Print), ISSN 2308-4863 (Online) http://www.aphn-journal.in.ua http://www.aphn-journal.in.ua/archive/45_2021/part_2/21.pdf
Ridel T.M. Peculiarities of learning English in the professional direction of students of economic specialties / T.M. Ridel, T.O. Kyrychenko // International Scientific Journal "SWorldJournal", Issue No. 13, 2022: 3-6. ISSN 2410-6615 (Online) ISSN title: SWorldJournal Abbreviated key title: SWJ DOI: 10.30888/2410-6615 https://www.sworldjournal.com/index.php/swj/issue/view/swj13-03/swj13-03
Ridel T.M. Implementation of the flipped classroom model for business English training of future economists / T.M. Ridel, T.O. Kyrychenko // Innovative pedagogy. Scientific journal of the Black Sea Research Institute of Economics and Innovation – Helvetyka Publishing House, 2022. – Issue 48, Volume 1, p. 85-87.
http://www.innovpedagogy.od.ua/archives/2022/48/part_1/48-1_2022.pdf http://www.innovpedagogy.od.ua/archives/2022/48/part_1/17.pdf
Ridel T. Ethical and legal grounds for the whistleblowing of corruption offences / Tetiana Kobzieva, Olha Bezpalova, , Serhii Markin, Tetiana Ridel, Vitalii Serohin // Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues. -Volume 22, special issue 2, 2019 SCOPUS (Print ISSN: 1544-0036; Online ISSN: 1544-0044) https://www.abacademies.org/articles/Ethical-and-legal-grounds-for-the-whistleblowing-of-corruption-offenses-1544-0044-22-SI-2-359.pdf
Ridel T. Multicultural Competence of University Students in Ukraine: Reality and Perspectives / Kyrychenko T., Ridel T. // Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala. Vol 11, 2019, No 4. – P. 221-247. doi:10.18662/rrem/167 Web of Science ISSN: 2066-7329; e-ISSN: 2067-9270 http://lumenpublishing.com/journals/index.php/rrem/article/view/1521
Ridel T. Legal mechanism for ensuring customs security of Ukraine / Dniprov, O., Nastyuk, V., Bielikova, M., Kovalenko, A. // Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues, 10 (2) (December), 2020. SCOPUS (Print ISSN: 2029-7017; Online ISSN: 2029-7025) http://doi.org/10.9770/jssi.2020.10.2(7)file:///D:/Downloads/jssi-10-2-jssi1027.pdf
Ridel T. Strategic priorities for the formation of social responsibility of business / Ushenko, N.; Blyzniuk, V.; Dniprov, O.; Kurbala, N. // Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 8(4), 2021: 641-653. Web of Science https://doi.org/10.9770/jesi.2021.8.4(39) http://jssidoi.org/jesi/article/845 http://jssidoi.org/jesi/uploads/articles/32/Ushenko_Strategic_priorities_for_the_formation_of_social_responsibility_of_business.pdf
Ridel T. Application of the project method for teaching a foreign language to future railway transport engineers / Yekimov, S.; Mishenina, T.; Nianko, V.; Lysytska, O. // AIP Conference Proceedings 2389, 100014 https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0063508