E-mail: zhouravliova66@ukr.net
Web of Science Researcher ID: AAK-2224-2020
Web of Science ID: V-6144-2018
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4611-1673
GoogleScholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=6_sp0usAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&pli=1
Scopus https://www.scopus.com/home.url
Born in 1966 in the village of Kutcherivka, Sumy Region
1983-1988 – studied at the French and English Faculty of Kyiv State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages
1988-1990 – worked as a French and English teacher at the Secondary School of the village of Stepne, Sumy region
1990-2000 – worked as a French and English teacher at the Secondary School №5, Shostka, Sumy region
2002 – present – French and English teacher (from 2010 – senior teacher) of Foreign Language Department at Sumy National Agrarian University
Main teaching activities: French and English as foreign languages for the students of agriculture
Scientific research topic: «Use of Modern European Teaching Technologies in Higher Education Establishments»
Main scientific activities: more than 50 scientific articles, publications and methodical aids, participation in the international project “Agriscola” (2006-2010), skills development at the High Agronomical School of Toulouse, France (2008)
Scientific publications:
Krekoten O. V.
Destructive Problems of the Individual Work Organization and Ways of Adressing / O. V. Krekoten // Materialy VIII mezinárodnivédecko-ptaktická konference, «Dnyvédy – 2012» – Dil 35. Pedagogika: Praha. Publishing House «Education and Science» P. 138-152
Krekoten O. V.
Pollution Migration Forecast for Soil-water System / О.B. Shandyba, А.О. Kurylo, O. V. Krekoten, V.О. Sergienko, О.V. Semernia// Visnyk SNAU. Seria Mehanizatsia ta avtomatyzatsia vyrobnytchyh protsessiv. – 2016. – №3(28). – P. 171-176.
Krekoten O. V.
Experimental Research of the Soil Leaching/ О.B. Shandyba, А.О. Kurylo, О.V. Semernia, O. V. Krekoten // Visnyk SNAU. Seria Mehanizatsia ta avtomatyzatsia vyrobnytchyh protsessiv. - № 10, 2017 - P.102-104
Krekoten O. V.
Using of Innovative Pedagogical Technologies in the Foreign Language Learning / O. V. Krekoten // Collection of Scientific Papers « Vitchyzniana nauka na zlami epoh: problem ta perspectyvy rozvytku».- Pereyaslav-Hmelnytskii, 2017.-№ 30- P. 136-140
Krekoten O. V.
Tendencies in the Use of Social Networks in the Study of Foreign Languages by Technological Specialties Students / O. V. Krekoten // Materialy ІІ vseukrainskoi internet konferentsii ( March, 26-31,2018 року) : – Berdiansk : BDPU, 2018. – P.114-116
Krekoten O. V.
"Ways of Foreign Language Communicative Competence Development through Electronic Correspondence"
/ O. V. Krekoten // Zbiór artykulów naukowych «Science, Research, Development».- London: Diamond trading tour, 2018р.- С. 124-129
Krekoten O. V.
"Didactic Possibilities of Tourist Advertisements Using for Learning French / O. V. Krekoten // Collection of Scientific Papers « Problemy ta perspektyvy suchasnoi nauky v krainah Evropy ta Azii ».- Pereyaslav-Hmelnytskii, 2018р.- P. 196-200
Krekoten O. V.
Technology of Applying Advertising Texts in a Foreign Language Class
/ O. V. Krekoten, L.I.Baidak // Collection of Scientific Papers: «Tendentsii ta perspektyvy rozvytku nauky I osvity v umovah globalizatsii». - Pereyaslav-Hmelnytskii, 2019. - №47- P. 136-140
Krekoten O. V.
Strategies of Applying Professionally Oriented Texts in a Foreign Language Class / O. V. Krekoten // Collection of Scientific Papers: «ΛΌГOΣ», Kharkiv : Evropeiska naukova platforma», 2019. -V.5. -P. 38-41
Krekoten O. V.
Integration of Paralinguistic Means into the Students Verbal Foreign Language Communication / O. V. Krekoten, L.I.Baidak // Innovatsiyna pedagogika . №11. V. 2 - Odessa : Black Sea Region Research Institute of Economics and Innovations. –2019- P.75-79
Krekoten O.
L’introduction des composants non verbaux dans le cours de FLE/ O. V. Krekoten // Langues, sciences, pratiques: actes du 3 Colloque international francophone en Ukraine (October,3-4, 2019) – Odessa, 2019 - P.121-122
Krekoten O. V.
Multimodal Approach to Authentic Texts Using in Foreign Language Class / O. V. Krekoten, L.I. Baidak // Innovatsiyna pedagogika. №20. V. 2.- Odessa: Black Sea Region Research Institute of Economics and Innovations.–2020.
Krekoten O.
Multifaceted Problems of Intercultural Adaptation: A Case Study of Chinese Students in Ukraine /Bilotserkovets, M., Fomenko, T., Gubina, O., Berestok, O., Shcherbyna, Y., Krekoten, O. //BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2020. 11(1), 178–188.
Krekoten O. V.
Didactic Methods of Using Emojis in the Foreign Language Teaching Process of Non-linguistic Universities / O.V.Krekoten, O.P.Berezniak // Pedagogika formuvannia tvortchoii osobystosti u vyshchii I zagalnoosvitniy shkolakh. - 2020, № 70, - С. 78-93
Krekoten O.
Multimodalité dans le cours de FLE universitaire/ O.Krekoten// Collection of Scientific Papers: «ΛΌГOΣ», Evropeiska naukova platforma», №3. - 2020. P. 13-14.
Krekoten O.
Innovative Approaches in Distance Learning Foreign Languages / О.Крекотень// SWorldJournal: International Periodic Scientific Journal, Svishtov, Bulgaria: SWorld & D.A. Tsenov Academy of Economics,- №7, V.4, 2021. P. 50-55.
Krekoten O.V.
Strategies for Personal Charisma Development in the Process of Building Foreign Language Competence / O. V. Krekoten, L.I.Baidak // Naukovyi Chasopys natsionalnogo pedagogochnogo universytetu im. M.P. Dragomanova. S.5. Pedagogichni Nauky. – №81. – V 1. – Kyiv : Gelvetyka, 2021. – P.117-123
Krekoten O.V.
Use of Multimodal Texts in Foreign Language Class of the Technological University/ О.В. Крекотень// // Pedagogika formuvannia tvortchoii osobystosti u vyshchii I zagalnoosvitniy shkolakh. - Zaporizzia: ZPU, 2021. – №76, V.2 - P. 191-196
Krekoten O.
Dual nature of students’ knowledge formation in the pandemic period: pedagogical and psychological aspects./Bilotserkovets M., Fomenko T., Kobzhev A., Berestok O., Shcherbyna Y., Krekoten O. , Kurinnyi A. //Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 2021. - 13(3), 246-261.
Krekoten O.V.
Application of Mnemotechniques in the Foreign Language University Studying / О.В.Крекотень, Л.І.Байдак, А.С.Чирва // Innovatsiyna pedagogika. № 44, V.1. - Odessa: Black Sea Region Research Institute of Economics and Innovations, 2022. – P.84-87
Krekoten O.
Multysensory Approach in Teaching Foreign Languages. / O. Krekoten // The International Scientific Periodical Journal "Modern Technology and Innovative Technologies" №19. Вип.3. 2022 . –C.46-53