Assistant Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages
E-mail: berestok@email.ua
ID Web of Science https://researcherid.com/rid/V-4039-2018
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7912-9592
Scholar. google https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=ru&user=L-lRiDsAAAAJ
Scopus ID
Date of birth: November 14, 1969
In 1986 she finished secondary school № 2 in Bilopillia with the gold medal.
In 1986 she entered Sumy State Teachers’ Training Institute named after Makarenko, the Department of Foreign Languages.
In 1991 she graduated from the Institute with the Honours degree.
Since 1991 till 2001 she had been working as a teacher of English at secondary school with lycée classes №17 in Sumy.
Since 2001 she has been working as an Assistant Professor of Foreign Languages Department at Sumy National Agrarian University.
Basic subjects: Foreign Language for Professional Communication (English), Business English, Profound English.
Research direction: LLL in the System of Unremitting Education.
She participates in designing the Study Course for distant learning in the system of Moodle and is responsible for the translation of the Official Site of Sumy National Agrarian University.
While working at SNAU she has published 46 scientific articles, publications and theses, connected with the theme of her research work; 21 study aids, 1 dictionary for the students of the faculty of food technologies, 2 computer quizzes “Traveling about London” and “Welcome to Great Britain” for the students of all specialties, 1 video excursion “Turning over the pages of history” for the students of all specialties.
Basic Research Publications
Berestok,O. Multifaceted Problems of Intercultural Adaptation: A Case Study of Chinese Students in Ukraine. / Bilotserkovets, M., Fomenko, T., Gubina, O., Shcherbyna, Y., Krekoten O. Brain. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.18662/brain/11.1/22. (Web of Science) .
Berestok,O. Dual Nature of Students’ Knowledge Formation in the Pandemic Period: Pedagogical and Psychological Aspects./ Bilotserkovets, M., Fomenko, T., Kobzhev, A., Shcherbyna, Y., Krekoten O., Kurinnyi, O. Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, “Dual Nature of Students’ Knowledge Formation in the Pandemic Period: Pedagogical and Psychological Aspects”. 13(3), 246-261. https://doi.org/10.18662/rrem/13.3/450, (Web of Science)
Berestok,O. Measurement and Assessment of Virtual Internationalization Outcomes in Higher Agrarian Education. / Kobzhev, A., Bilotserkovets, M., Fomenko, T., Gubina, O., Shcherbyna, Y. Postmodern Openings (2020) , 11(1 Supl 1), 78–92. https://doi.org/10.18662/po/11.1sup1/124/ (Web of Science).
Berestok,O. Synchronous and Asynchronous E-Learning Modes: Strategies, Methods, Objectives. // ISSN 2307-9770. DOI 10.30929/2307-9770.2021.09.01. Engineering and Educational Technologies, 2021. Kremenchuk Mykhaylo Ostrohradskyi National University, 9 (1),19.
Berestok,O. The Implementation of ICT as Essential Educational Resources in Synchronous and Asynchronous Modes of Distance Learning. //ISSN 2567-5273. DOI 10.30890/2567-5273. Modern Engineering and Innovative Technologies, 2021. SWORLD, 15 (6),35.
Berestok,O. Lifelong Learning: Practical and Theoretical Approaches to Developing Education and Training for Adults. // ISSN 2663-6085. Innovative Pedagogy, 21 (2),177.
Berestok,O. Application of Information Communication Technologies as Means of Knowledge Formation in the Foreign Language Teaching Process in Higher Educational Institutions. // ISSN 2311- 5491 Naukovyi chasopys/ National Pedagogical University named after Drahomanov. – Volume 5, Pedagogical Sciences: reality and prospects. Issue 72(1)., p. 13.
Berestok,O. Distance Learning: Implementation of Information Communication Technologies to Promote Educational Process at Higher Educational Establishments. // ISSN 2308-4855 "Topical Issues in the Humanities: Intercollegiate Collection of Scientific Papers of Young Scientists of Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University", 27 (1), 146.
Berestok,O. Train your brain. // Study aid for 3-4 year students of all specialties. Sumy, 2022. – 255 pp.
Berestok,O. Meat Composition and Structure // Study aid for students of Agrarian HEE. Sumy, 2019. – 98 pp.
Berestok,O. Contemporary Meat Industry in the Countries of the European Union, America and Canada // Study aid for students of Food Technology Faculty. Sumy, 2017. – 100 pp.
Berestok,O. Meat Processing Industry in Ukraine// Study aid for students of Food Technology Faculty. Sumy, 2018. – 51 pp.