Methodical work

Disciplines taught at the department for students gaining bachelor and master degrees at Bio-Technology Faculty and Veterinary Medicine Faculty:
– technology of fodders and feed additives;
– fundamentals of scientific research and patenting;
– feeding of farm animals;
– genetics of animals with biometrics;
– molecular biology;
– technology of pig production;
– industrial technologies of production and processing of pig products;
– fodder production planning;
– storage and quality control of fodders;
– technology of milk and dairy products;
– milk and dairy products;
– modern research methods in animal husbandry;
– Civil Protection

Electronic versions of work programs, educational and methodical publications, tests for all disciplines are available.

Methodical work of the department is aimed at planning educational activities; creation and development of working curricula, standard programs of academic disciplines and other documents; taking measures for improvement of educational activity, increase of pedagogical skills of scientific and pedagogical stuff.  It also includes development and discussion of teaching discipline methods, lecture texts, methods of organizing various types of classes; methods of using multimedia and technical teaching aids and preparation of proposals for their improvement. Study, generalization and dissemination of positive experience of methodical activity; development of new distance learning systems for students using the learning environment Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) are also among priorities.