Associate professor of fodder technology and animal feeding department
Candidate of agricultural sciences
Email: vopara@ukr.net
Web of Science ID: V-6089-2018
Born on August 25, 1966 in the village Boromlja, Trostjanets district, Sumy region.
1990 – graduated from Sumy agricultural institute, specialty “Zoo-engineering”, with honors.
Since 1993. – Postgraduate studying at Sumy agricultural institute.
1990-1995 – Junior researcher
1995-2000 – assistant of animal feeding and breeding department
1999 – defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of agricultural sciences, specialty 06.02.04 – ” Production technology of livestock products” on the topic “Technology of pig growing on fodders of own production”.
2003 – received the title of associate professor of the department of farm animals feeding and breeding.
Since 2000 until now he has been working as an associate professor at fodder technology and animal feeding department of Sumy NAU.
Main subjects: Feeding of farm animals, planning of fodder production, feeding of exotic and ornamental animals.
Scientific achievements: author of more than 90 scientific papers, 35 methodical recommendations.
Field of research: scientific activity on the feeding of agricultural animals, optimization of farm feeding base and technology of fodder production.
Grant, state budget and farm-contractual topics: In recent years, he was involved as a consultant and executor of feeding sections on such topics as “Improving the efficiency of dairy cattle breeding at agricultural enterprises of raw material zone of PJSC “BELJ SHOSTKA UKRAINE ” (on the order of “BELJ SHOSTKA UKRAINE”), «Development of recommendations on technology of production and sale of high quality milk in the conditions of Polissja of Ukraine (at the request of food and agriculture organization “FAO”)». In 2018, he conducted a research on the topic “Efficiency of feed additive usage “VATAGANIMAL” for growing broiler chickens”.
Qualification extension (training): National university of bio-resources and management of nature, NNI institute of postgraduate education (06.11.2017-17.11.2017., Ukraine)
Other information: Dean of Biology and Technology Faculty of Sumy NAU.