Personal information |
First name(s) / Surname(s) | Viktoriia Tokman | ||||||||||||
Address(es) | Ukraine, Sumy | ||||||||||||
Telephone(s) | + 38(050) 146 3705 | ||||||||||||
Fax(es) | |||||||||||||
viksumukr@gmail.com | |||||||||||||
Nationality | Ukrainian | ||||||||||||
Date of birth | November 10, 1971 | ||||||||||||
Gender | Female | ||||||||||||
Current employment / Occupational field | Senior Teacher of the Foreign Languages Department, Biotechnological Faculty, Sumy National Agrarian University | ||||||||||||
Work experience | |||||||||||||
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Dates |
September 2007 - Present
English Language Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages
Delivery of practical classes in teaching English as a foreign language for students of A1-C1 levels, the development and delivery of educational programmes, the development of teaching and learning materials and resources
Sumy National Agrarian University, 160 Herasym Kondratiev Street, Sumy, 40021, Ukraine
Higher Educational Institution (Agrarian Sector)
English Language Lecturer at SNAU College
Teaching English as a foreign language
College of Sumy NAU, 1 Pishchanii Lane, Sumy, 40031, Ukraine
Higher Educational Institution (Agrarian Sector)
1995-2003 |
Occupation or position held | English LanguageTeacher
Main activities and responsibilities | Teaching English as a foreign language
Name and address of employer | Secondary School of I-III levels №1, Sumy, 40021, Ukraine | ||||||||||||
Type of business or sector | Secondary Education | ||||||||||||
Education and training | |||||||||||||
Dates | 1990-1995 | ||||||||||||
Title of qualification awarded | English and German Teacher (equivalent to Master’s Degree) | ||||||||||||
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered | English and German Languages | ||||||||||||
Name and type of organisation providing education and training | Sumy Pedagogical Institute named after A.S. Makarenko, the Faculty of Foreign Languages | ||||||||||||
Level in national or international classification | University | ||||||||||||
Personal skills and competences | A caring, responsible, punctual, supportive and enthusiastic person committed to the promotion of students in learning English as a foreign language as well as Ukrainian for foreign students. | ||||||||||||
Mother tongue(s) | Ukrainian | ||||||||||||
Other language(s) | English, German, Russian | ||||||||||||
Self-assessment | Understanding | Speaking | Writing | ||||||||||
European level (*) | Listening | Reading | Spoken interaction | Spoken production | |||||||||
English | В2 | Independent user | В2 | Independent user | В2 | Independent user | B2 | Independent user | B2 | Independent user | |||
Russian | C2 | Proficient user | C2 | Proficient user | C2 | Proficient user | C2 | Proficient user | C2 | Proficient user | |||
German | A2 | Basic user | A2 | Basic user | A2 | Basic user | A2 | Basic user | A2 | Basic user | |||
Social skills and competences | Communication skills, gained through teaching at the undergraduate and graduate level | ||||||||||||
Organisational skills and competences | Good time management skills, ability to build good relationships with the students, confidence and energy to successfully handle difficult behavior, strong behavioral management skills. | ||||||||||||
Computer skills and competences | Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office, Google Drive, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint, Zoom, Social Media, Skype, Internet use. | ||||||||||||
Additional information: | |||||||||||||
Scientific Research Topic and Publications
Tokman V.V. Formation and development of communicative culture of students in learning foreign languages [Electronic resource] / V. V. Tokman // News of modern science: XXI International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference, (Vinnytsia, June 03, 2019 ). – Vinnytsia, 2019. – Part 4. – P. 62-66.
Tokman V.V. "Methodical principles of modern methods of teaching English" [Electronic resource] / V Tokman V.V. // Innovators in the science of our time: materials V (LVII) of the international scientific and practical conference on philosophical, philological, legal, pedagogical , economic, psychological, sociological and political sciences. - Ukraine, Kyiv, May 29, 2015. – Horlovka: FLPP Pantyukh Yu.F., 2015. – 111p. Tokman, V.V. Communicatively oriented teaching of grammar in teaching foreign languages [Electronic resource] / V.V. Tokman // Proceedings of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Conceptual Ways of Development: Pedagogical Sciences" : coll. scientific works. - Kherson: "Young Scientist" Publishing House, 2018. - P. 112. Tokman V.V. Formation and development of communicative culture of students in learning foreign languages [Electronic resource] / V. V. Tokman // News of modern science: XXI International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference, (Vinnytsia, June 03, 2019 ). – Vinnytsia, 2019. – Part 4. – P. 62-66. Tokman, V.V. Activation of students' educational activities using the role-playing method in learning a foreign language [Electronic resource] / V.V. Tokman // Materials of the All-Ukrainian Scientific Internet Conference "Problems of Linguistics and Methods of Language Teaching in the Context of Ukraine's Entry into the European Space ", (Uman, May 20, 2016). - Uman: Uman National University of Horticulture, 2016. - P.101. Tokman V. V "Collection of texts for individual reading for students of the 1st year of the Faculty of Agriculture". Sumy. SNAU Tokman V. V English language manual "Collection of reading texts for TVPPT students". Sumy. SNAU Tokman V. V "Problematic communicative situations as a basis for the development of creative thinking in foreign language learning." Tokman V.V.Tendencies and Challenges for Teaching Foreign Languages in a Multicultural Academic Environment. Psychological factors affecting the process of learning foreign languages “Publishing House of University of Technology” (Katovitse, Poland) http://www.wydawnictwo.wst.pl/oferta_wydawnicza_oraz_zakup_publikacji/wydawnictwa/tendencies_and_challenges_for_teaching_foreign_languages_in_multicultural_academic_environment/114 Tokman V. V. Psychological aspects of learning foreign languages. Innovatsiyna Pedagogika 162 №63. V 2. 2023. http://innovpedagogy.od.ua/vip63 Tokman V. V. Modern approaches to the teaching of foreign language in HEI. Innovatsiyna Pedagogika 162 № 65. V 2. 2023. . http://innovpedagogy.od.ua/vip65 Tokman V.V. A new approach to security. Ukrainian realities: will human security become mainstream. Collection of materials of the All-Ukrainian sociolinguistic seminar: The concept of "Security" in scientific and intercultural national (Ukrainian) and European discourses. 30.10.2023.EUSPACED, Sumy 1/1 |