Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Email: mbelotserkovets@yahoo.com
Research ID W-6414-2019
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4692-3444
Google Scholarhttps: //scholar.google.com/citations? User = JMZvJfwAAAAJ & hl = uk
Born November 22, 1979 in Sumy, Ukraine.
1997-2002 – studied at Sumy State Pedagogical University, Specialty “Pedagogy and Methods of Secondary Education. Language and Literature (English, French, German)”.
Since 2003 worked as a lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages of Sumy National Agrarian University.
2012-2016 – postgraduate studies at Sumy State Pedagogical University, majoring in Theory and Methods of Vocational Education.
2017 defended the dissertation for obtaining the scientific degree of Candidate of Pedagogy in the specialty 13.00.04 “Theory and methods of vocational education” on the topic “Formation of theoretical knowledge of students of agrarian specialties in the process of studying humanities”. In 2019 was awarded with the academic title of Associate Professor.
The main subjects of teaching are: “Foreign language of professional use”, “Business foreign language”.
Areas of research: innovative technologies of teaching foreign languages, internationalization of higher agrarian education. Participates in the methodological support of the educational process.
Main scientific works:
Heuristic mechanisms of theoretical knowledge development in humanities. CADES International Education, Pedagogy and Humanities Research. - St. Louis, Missouri, USA, 2016. - P. 5-10.
Formation of theoretical knowledge of future agrarians in the process of vocational training [Monograph] Sumy: PE Tsioma SP, 2017. - 180 p.
Diagnostics of the results of heuristic activity of students of agrarian specialties. Scientific journal of NPU named after MP Dragomanov. Series 5. Pedagogical sciences: realities and perspectives. - Kiev, 2018. - № 64. P. 20-23.
Traditional and heuristic approaches in teaching humanities. International scientific and practical conference “Pedagogy in EU countries and Ukraine at the modern stage”: Conference proceedings, December 21-22, 2018, Baia Mare, Romania. P. 138–140.
Implementation of heuristic educational technologies for forming foreign language competences of students [Monograph]. “Theory and practice of introducing a competency approach to higher education in Ukraine”, Vienna: Premier Publishing, Austria, 2019. P. 289-294. 400 sec. [P.152-179].
Implementation of heuristic learning technologies for theoretical concepts formation by students mastering agricultural professions. Engineering and Educational Technologies, 2019. 7 (1), 36-45.
Internal and external motivational components in the discourse of heuristic education of students mastering agriculture. “Pedagogical Sciences” of Kherson State University. Kherson: Helvetika Publishing House, 2019, No. 86. P. 208–212.
Extrapolation of Canadian Universities’ Internationalization Strategies into Ukrainian Higher Agrarian Education. /T. Fomenko, A. Kobzhev// Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 2019. 11 (2), R. 110-125. doi: 10.18662 / rrem / 120, international scientometric database: Web of Science.
Digital technologies application in the language training of future specialists in the agricultural sector. “Innovative Pedagogy”, 2019. Issue 17. P. 19-23.
Mastering the mechanisms of creativity of agrarian students in the process of learning foreign languages. “Pedagogy of formation of creative personality in higher and secondary schools”, 2019, № 65. P. 15-20.
Target Language Teaching by Means of E-Learning: A Case Study. (2019). / Bilotserkovets, M. & Gubina, O. // Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 11 (4), 1729. doi: 10.18662 / rrem / 154.