Baidak Liudmyla Ivanivna
E-mail: baili@ukr.net
Web of Science ID: V-7094-2018
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3801-4606
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Born in 1969 in Lebedyn, Sumy region.
1986 -1991 – studied at Foreign Languages Department of Sumy Pedagogical Institute named after A.S.Makarenko.
1991-1998 – teacher of English and German languages, secondary school №3, Lebedyn, Sumy region.
1998-2001 – teacher of English and German languages, secondary school №7, Sumy.
Since 2001 – English Language Teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages, Sumy National Agrarian University.
Subjects taught: English, Business English, Profound English
Scientific Research Topic: Modern tendencies in teaching foreign languages at non-linguistic institutions of higher education.
Teaching and methodical work: 26 study and methodical aids published.
Scientific work: 40 scientific articles and publications.
Basic scientific publications:
- Krekoten,O.V., .Baidak, L.I. (2019) Integration of paralinguistic means into verbal foreign language communication of students. Scientific journal "Innovative pedagogy". №11. - Odessa: Black Sea Research Institute of Economics and Innovation. - May 15, 2019 - pp63-75
- Baidak, L.I., Krekoten,O.V. (2019) Method of projects as an interactive approach to teaching a foreign language to students of non-linguistic higher educational establishments. «ΛΌГОΣ. The art of scientific thought ": a scientific journal / under the general editorship M.A.Goldenblatt: Vinnytsia: "European Scientific Platform", №4
- Baidak, L.I. (2020) Interactive technologies in teaching English to students of non-linguistic higher educational establishments. "Current issues of humanities: interuniversity collection of scientific works of young scientists of Drohobych State Pedagogical University named after Ivan Franko". - Drohobych: Helvetica Publishing House. - Issue. 28. Volume 1. - pp.133-138
- Krekoten,O.V., .Baidak, L.I. (2021) Strategies for the development of personal charisma in the process of forming foreign language competence. Scientific journal of the National Pedagogical University named after M.P.Drahomanov. Series 5. Pedagogical sciences: realities and prospects. Issue 81 (1), Kyiv. pp.30-136
- Baidak, L.I. (2021) Achievements of computer language didactics in foreign language teaching. Innovative pedagogy: scientific journal. Issue 35. pp.12-16
- Krekoten O.V., Baidak L.I., Chirva A.S. (2022) Practical use of mnemonics in the process of learning foreign languages at the university - Scientific Journal "Innovative Pedagogy". Issue 44, vol.1. 2022. - P.84-87