Associate Professor of fodder technology and animal feeding department

Doctor of agricultural sciences

Email: nic.pov@ukr.net

ORCID: https://orcid.org:0000-0001-9272-9672

Web of Science ID: W-1565-2018

GoogleScholar: https: //scholar.google.com/citations? View_op = new_profile & hl = uk



He was born on December 14, 1956 in the village Petrykovo, Vasyljkiv district, Dnipropetrovsk region.

1972-1976 - Studied at Novomoskovsk state technical college, graduated with honors and worked as a zootechnician at state farm named after Zhdanov in Novomoskovsk district.

1976-1981 - studied and graduated with honors from Dnepropetrovsk agricultural institute. After graduation he worked as the chief zootechnician at the collective farm “Ukraine”, Sumy district, Sumy region.

1983-2003 worked at Dnepropetrovsk agricultural institute on the positions of assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor of the department of breeding and genetics of agricultural animals.

1993 - defended his Ph.D. thesis at the institute of pig breeding of UAAS.

2000 - received diploma of associate professor.

2003-2008 - worked as the dean of biotechnology faculty of Dnipropetrovsk state agrarian university.

2008-2016 - Associate professor of the department of breeding and genetics at Dnipropetrovsk state agrarian university.

2015 – defended his dissertation for the degree of doctor of agricultural sciences on the specialty 06.02.04 "Production technology of livestock products".

Since 2016 has been working at fodder technology and animal feeding department of Sumy National Agrarian University.

Main disciplines: "Production technology of pig products”.

Scientific achievements: Prepared 2 candidates of sciences on the specialties 06.02.01 "Breeding and selection of animals" and 06.02.04 "Technology of production of livestock products". He is the author of 156 scientific papers, co-author of 2 monographs, 3 textbooks, 4 educational manuals on animal genetics and pork production technology, 12 methodological recommendations. He has 4 patents for useful model and 1 author certificate.

Field of research: improvement of pork production technology.

Grant, state budget and farm-contractual topics: No. 0117U004088 "Improvement of existing and development of new technical and technological solutions of industrial technologies of pork production and development on theit basis of volume-planning decisions for modern pig growing enterprises".

Qualification extension (training): LLC "SPP Globinskyi pig complex" (10/28/2017 - 11/05/2017, Ukraine)