Associate professor of fodder technology and animal feeding department
Candidate of agricultural sciences
Email: vvp72@ukr.net
Web of Science ID: U-6199-2018
He was born on October 28, 1960 in Chernihiv.
1984 - graduated from the Sumy branch of the agrarian institute named after Dokuchaev, faculty of zoo-engineering, diploma with honors;
1984-1985. – zoo-technician breeder of the collective farm named after Shevchenko in Lebedyn district of Sumy region;
1985-1986 - Senior researcher at the livestock department of Sumy state research station;
Since 1987 postgraduate studying at the department of genetics, breeding and reproduction of agricultural animals» of Kharkiv zoo-veterinary institute;
1990-1993 - assistant at the department of genetics, breeding and reproduction of agricultural animals» KZVI;
1993-1996 associate professor of biochemistry and biotechnology department, Sumy state agrarian institute;
1992 - defended his dissertation for the candidate of agricultural sciences degree, specialty 06.02.04. - Private zootechnics. Production technology of livestock products on the topic: "Sows productivity, growth and fattening qualities of young animals on rations with humoxin from turf";
1998 - received the title of associate professor of the department of feeding and breeding of agricultural animals.
Since 1996 to the present time he has been working as an associate professor of fodder technology and animal feeding department at SNAU.
Main disciplines: "Agricultural animal feeding", "Modern methods of research in animal husbandry", "Fundamentals of breeding and feeding animals".
Scientific achievements - Author of more than 120 scientific works, including co-author of 4 instructions and methodical recommendations and 2 monographs.
Field of research: Technology of feeding, keeping and production of pig production.
Grant, state budget and farm-contractual topics: agreement on cooperation with LLC named after Shevchenko in Lebedyn district
Qualification extension (training): National university of bio-resources and management of nature, NNI institute of postgraduate education (06.11.2017-17.11.2017., Ukraine).
Other information: dean deputy on vocational guidance of Biotechnology Faculty.