Associate professor of fodder technology and animal feeding department
Candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor
Email: korg.olga@ukr.net
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9134-5148
Web of Science ID: U-6056-2018
GoogleScholar: https: //scholar.google.com/citations? User = _brXG1wAAAAJ & hl = en
Born on January 30, 1980 in Dniprodzerzhinsk.
1997-2002 - studying at zoo engineering faculty of Sumy agricultural institute, specialty "Zoo engineering", diploma with honors.
2004-2007 - postgraduate studying at Sumy national agrarian university, specialty "06.02.02".
Since 2008 - worked as an assistant, teacher, associate professor of fodder technology and animal feeding department.
2009 - defended her dissertation for the degree of candidate of agricultural sciences, specialty 06.02.04 - " Production technology of livestock products" on the topic "Improvement of techniques for the direct growing of heifers of simental breed".
2015 - received the title of associate professor of fodder technology and animal feeding department.
Since 2008 until now she is associate professor at fodder technology and animal feeding department of Sumy NAU.
Main subjects: "Production technology of plant fodders", "Technology of fodders and feed additives", "Scientific basis of animal feeding", "Planning of feed production", "Fundamentals of animal breeding and feeding", "Modern methods of research in animal husbandry", "Storage and quality control of fodders".
Scientific achievements: author of more than 62 scientific papers, more than 15 methodological recommendations.
Areas of research: Technology of preparation, storage and use of fodders and animal feeding technology.
Grant, state budget and farm-contractual topics: agreement on cooperation with LLC named after Shevchenko in Lebedyn district.
Qualification extension (training): National university of bio-resources and management of nature, institute of postgraduate education (06.11.2017-17.11.2017., Ukraine).
Other information: dean deputy in educational and organizational work of the biotechnology faculty.
The staff of the department develops questions of directed cultivation and stimulation of feeding functions in young animals and poultry, improvement of animal feeding technology. The staff of department continues research of professor Provotorov G.V. on the issues of normalized feeding, ways of fodder preparation for feeding and balancing of diets for different types of feeding, increase of fodder conversion level in animals of different kinds in the conditions of industrial and farming production technologies of livestock products.
The teachers of the department are also involved in projects on obtaining organic poultry products, improving the technology of keeping and feeding pigs and the production of high-quality dairy raw materials and its processing.
A scientific - practical laboratory of "quality of fodder" was created at the department. On its basis, they conduct evaluation and preparation for the implementation of innovative technology for fodder production and analysis, comparative evaluation of composition and quality of ingredients and fillers used in the production of protein-mineral vitamin additives (PMVA) and premixes manufactured by various manufacturers, as well as advisory assistance to livestock farmers in organization of a balanced feeding of animals. The laboratory allows to involve students in scientific work and to carry out preparation of bachelor's, master's and postgraduate works.
Priority areas of research
The main directions of department scientific work are testing of new fodders and feed additives in the diets of different species of animals, improving of their productivity, improving of resistance and reproductive capacity of pigs, reducing the cost of production, determining the level of genetic burden in populations of farm birds, development of methods for determining sex of paultry, optimizing the use of dairy raw materials and improving of fodder conversion.
Topics of state registration:
No. 0117U004088 Improvement of existing and development of new technical and technological solutions of industrial technologies for pork production and development on their basis of volume-planning solutions for modern pig enterprises.
No. 0117U004086 Improvement of techniques for hybridization of domestic and musk ducks and development of methods for determining the sex of ducklings.
Scientific achievements of the department
5 candidate theses defended.
2 patents for utility model received
Participation in 15 international conferences (Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Uzbekistan)
Publications of the department.
Durst, M. Wittman. Feeding of farm animals. - Tr. from German. - Edited and prefaced by I.I. Ibatulia, G.V. Provatorov. - Vinnytsja, New Book, 2003. - 384p.
Feeding rates, diets and nutrition of fodders for different species of farm animals: Handbook / G.V. Provatorov, V.I. Ladyka, L.V. Bondarchuk, V.O. Provatorova, V.O. Opara. - Sumy: LLC, PTH ,”University Book”, 2007. - 488 p. Recommended by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine as a textbook for students of higher education institutions of the III-IV levels of accreditation in the direction of 1302 "Zoo-engineering"
V. Provatorov, V.O. Provatorova. Feeding of Farm Animals: A Textbook. - Sumy: PTH, “University Book”, - 2004. - 510 p.
Vlasenko V.V., Mashkin M.I., Bigun P.P. Technology of milk and dairy products production and processing. Vinnytsia, “PPANIS”, 2000.-306 p. (Allowed by the Ministry of Agro-industrial complex of Ukraine as a textbook for students of higher education institutions of the III-IV levels of accreditation on specialty "Zoo-engineering").
M. Tsarenko, M.I. Mashkin, L.F. Pavlotsjka and others. Fundamentals of physiology, hygiene and food security. Part 1. Fundamentals of nutrition physiology. Tutorial: - Sumy: “Kozatsky Val” Publishing House, 2004.-358 pp. (Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine as a study guide for university students).
M. Tsarenko, M.I. Mashkin, L.F. Pavlotsjka, and others. Fundamentals of physiology, hygiene and nutrition security: Tutorial: 2P-P.II. Essentials of hygiene and nutrition. - Sumy: University Book, 2004.-278 p.
Mashkin M.I., Parysh N.M. Production technology of milk and dairy products. Educational edition: - К .: Higher education, 2006. - 351 pp. (Recommended by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine as a textbook for training specialists in the field of "Production and processing of livestock products" and "Technology of storage, preservation and processing of milk").
Pertsevyi F.V., Gursjkyi P.V., Mashkin M.I. and others. Technology of milk processing. Tutorial. - Kharkiv: KSUFT, 2006. - 378 pp. (Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine)
Bogomolov A.V., Pertseva F.V., Mashkin N.I. etc. Processing of products of plant and animal origin. - SPb: GYORD. 2001.-336 p.
Galat B.F., Grinenko V.I., Mashkin M.I. etc. Milk: production and processing: - Monograph.- Kharkiv, 2006.-352 p.
Galat B.F., Mashkin N.I., Tarasova T.A. Cheese - creation of nature and the art of technologist. Monograph. Edited by prof. Mashkin N.I., Kharkiv-Sumy, 2010, -351 p.