Oleksandr Chekh, PhD, Assistant Professor at the Department of Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology



ResearchGate: – https://www.researchgate.net/scientific-contributions/Oleksandr-Chekh-2200580332

Google Scholar: – https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=HqR0Q-cAAAAJ&hl=uk

ORCID: – https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8947-5269



Born on January 07, 1992 in Pryluky.

1998 – 2007, studying at Pryluky Gymnasium #5.

2007 – 2011, studying at Pryluky Medical School, majoring in Nursing.

2011-2017, studying at Sumy National Agrarian University, Faculty of Biology and Technology, graduation with a degree in 204 – Technology of Production and Processing of Livestock Products and received a qualification of a research technologist in the production and processing of livestock products.

2017 – 2022 – PhD student at Sumy National Agrarian University.

2022, defense of the thesis: “Development and implementation of innovative technology ‘GREEN ARTICLE’ for processing pre-hatching and food eggs of chickens” and received a doctorate in the field of knowledge 20 – “Agricultural Sciences and Food”, specialty 204 – Technology of production and processing of livestock products.

From 01.09.2024 – to the present, Assistant Professor at the Department of Genetics, Breeding and Animal Biotechnology, Sumy National Agrarian University.

Main academic disciplines: ecology in animal husbandry, morphology, physiology and biochemistry of animals, animal genetics, biotechnology.


Publication of the main results of the thesis in scientific professional editions of Ukraine:

  1. Astrakhantseva O. G., Bordunova O. G., Chekh O. O. Determination of the corrosion activity of “artificial cuticle” and its residues on the surfaces of hatchery equipment in production conditions. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. Scientific journal. – Series “Animal husbandry”. 2018. Issue 7 (35). P. 76-78.
  2. 2. Chekh O.O., Samokhina E.A., Bordunova O.G. “Artificial cuticle” (ARTIFICIAL CUTICLE – “ARTICLE”) for the protection of hatching eggs from pathogenic microflora: a composition based on chitosan and nanodispersed zinc oxide (ZnO). Topical issues of livestock production technology: Collection of articles on the results of the IV All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Internet Conference on October 30-31, 2019 – Poltava, 2019. P. 141-145.
  3. Chekh O.O., Bordunova O.G. Protective coatings based on chitosan against pathogenic microflora of food eggs. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. Scientific journal. – Series “Animal husbandry. 2020. Issue 3 (42). P. 87-92. https://doi.org/10.32845/bsnau.lvst.2020.3.15
  4. Chekh O.O., Bordunova O.G., Chivanov V.D. Influence of treatment with protective substances based on “Chitosan-copper” complexes on the reduction of the weight of food chicken eggs during storage. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. Scientific journal. – Series “Animal husbandry. 2020. Issue 4 (43). P. 113-118. https://doi.org/10.32845/bsnau.lvst.2020.4.18
  5. Chekh O. O., Bordunova O. G., Chivanov V. D. Biomimetic technology of pre-hatching treatment of chicken eggs “artificial cuticle” “GREEN ARTICLE” TiO2 Fe2O3. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. Scientific journal. – Series “Animal husbandry. 2021. Issue 3 (46). P. 94-98. https://doi.org/10.32845/bsnau.lvst.2021.3.13


Articles in publications indexed in the international scientific and metric Scopus database:

  1. Chekh O., Bordunova O., Chivanov V., Yadgorova E., Bondarchuk L. Nanocomposite coatings for hatching eggs and table eggs. Open Agriculture, vol. 6, no. 1, 2021, pp. 573-586. https://doi.org/10.1515/opag-2021-0046
  2. Bordunova O.G.; Samokhina Y.A.; Dolbanosova R.V.; Patreva L.S.; Cherniy N.V.; Chekh O.O.; Loboda V.B.; Danilchenko S.M.; Chivanov V.D. Physico-Geometric Approach to the Processes of Thermal Decomposition of the Guinea Fowl (Numida meleagris) Eggshell’s Bionanocomposites. Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE 11th International Conference “Nanomaterials: Applications and Properties”, NAP 2021. DOI: 1109/NAP51885.2021.9568520


Abstracts of scientific reports:

  1. Chekh O.O., Bordunova O.G. Study of the effect of mold contamination with Aspergillus fumigatus on the barrier systems of chicken eggs. “Materials of the scientific and practical conference of teachers, postgraduates and students of Sumy NAU” (April 17-20, 2018). Sumy. P. 259.
  2. Chekh O.O., Bordunova O.G. Influence of lighting on the productivity and bioceramic layer of eggshells of the Highsex Brown cross. International scientific and practical conference “Climate Change and Agriculture. Challenges for Agricultural Science and Education”. Kyiv (March 13, 2018). Kyiv. P. 323-326.
  3. 3. Astrakhantseva O., Bordunova O., Chekh O. Determination of the corrosion activity of “artificial cuticle” and its residues on the surfaces of hatchery equipment under production conditions. XVII All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists “Young Scientists in Solving Actual Problems of Biology, Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine” December 6-7, 2018. Lviv. Animal Biology, 2018, vol. 20, № 4. P.85.
  4. Chekh O.O., Bordunova O.G. Monitoring of disinfectants for the treatment of pre-hatching eggs in Ukraine and the world. All-Ukrainian student scientific conference dedicated to the International Student Day (Sumy, 2019). Sumy. P. 234-235.
  5. Chekh. O.O., Bordunova O.G., Chivanov V.D. Prediction of eggshell strength by thermoprogrammed mass spectrometry. International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovations in Quality and Safety of Livestock Products” on May 19-20, 2021. Online conference. Mykolaiv. 2021.
  6. Bordunova O.G., Samokhina Y. A., Chekh O. O., Chivanov V. D. et al. Psysico – Geometric Approach to the Processes of Thermal Decomposition of the Guinea Fowl (Numida meleagris) Eggshell`s Bionanocomposites. The 11th International Conference Nanomaterials: Aplications and Properties (NAP-2021) on September 5-11, 2021. Odessa, Ukraine. P. 112-129.
  7. Bordunova O.G., Chekh О.О., Dolbanosova R.V., Astrakhantseva E.G., Chіvanov V.D. et al. TPD-MS study of the ostrich (Struthio camelus) eggshell. Ukrainian Conference with International Participation chemistry, physics and technology of surface dedicated to the 90th birthday of Academician Aleksey Chuiko (Kyiv, October 21-22, 2020). Kyiv, 2020. P. 39.


Scientific and practical recommendations:

  1. Bordunova O.G., Chekh O.O., Kovalenko L.M., Dolbanosova R.V., Yadgorova E.M. Technologies for the protection of food eggs of chickens using chitosan-based composites. Scientific and practical recommendations – Sumy, 2019, 20 p.



  1. Bordunova O. G., Chekh O. O., Dolbanosova R. V., Chivanov V. D. Composition for processing food eggs of chickens: patent for utility model No. 142669, Ukraine. No. u 2019 11021; filed on November 08, 2019; valid on June 25, 2020, bulletin No. 12. (The PhD student conducted part of the experimental research and prepared materials for patenting).



Bordunova O.G., Kovalenko L.M., Dolbanosova R.V., Chivanov V.D., Chekh O.O., Petrenko H.O., Yadgorova E.M. Traditional measures of sanitation and disinfection in industrial poultry farming. [collective] monograph / [O.G. Bordunova et al. ; Sumy National Agrarian University – Kherson: OLDI-PLUS, 2021. 237 p. : figs, tables – Bibliography: pp. 223-237. 300 copies.. – ISBN 978-966-289-573-5.