Associate Professor of the Department of Feed Technology and Animal Feeding
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
E-mail: vvp72@ukr.net
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3487-0923
ID Web of Science: U-6199-2018
Google Scholar:
Born on October 28, 1960 in Chernihiv.
1984 - graduated from the Sumy branch of the Dokuchaev Agrarian Institute, Faculty of Animal Engineering, diploma with honors;
1984-1985 - zootechnician breeder of the Shevchenko collective farm of the Lebedyn district of the Sumy region;
1985-1986 - senior researcher of the livestock department of the Sumy State Research Station;
Since 1987, postgraduate studies at the Department of "Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction of Agricultural Animals" of the Kharkiv Zoo-Veterinary Institute;
1990-1993 - Assistant Professor of the Department of "Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction of Agricultural Animals" of the Kharkiv Zoo-Veterinary Institute;
1993 -1996 - Associate Professor of the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology of the Sumy State Agrarian Institute;
1992 - defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences in the specialty 06.02.04. - Private Animal Husbandry. Technology of Production of Animal Products
on the topic: "Productivity of Sows, Growth and Fattening Qualities of Young Animals on Diets with Humoxin from Peat";
1998 - received the title of Associate Professor of the Department of Feeding and Breeding of Agricultural Animals;.
Since 1996 currently works as an associate professor at the Department of Feed and Animal Nutrition Technology of Sumy National University.
Main academic disciplines: "Feeding of farm animals", "Modern research methods in animal husbandry", "Fundamentals of animal breeding and feeding".
Scientific achievements - Author of more than 120 scientific papers, including co-author of 4 instructions and methodological recommendations and 2 monographs.
Research area: Technology of feeding, keeping and production of pig products.
Grant, state budget and economic contract topics: Cooperation agreement with LLC named after Shevchenko Lebedynskyi district
Advanced training (internship): National University of Life Resources and Environmental Sciences, National Institute of Postgraduate Education (06.11.2017-17.11.2017, Ukraine).
Other information: Deputy. Dean for Career Guidance of the Faculty of Biology and Technology.