Doctor of biological sciences, professor
E-mail: yuvbond@ukr.net
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5746-379X
Web of Science ID: U-6237-2018
Born on March 23, 1948 in Kharkiv.
1966-1971 – studying at the Kharkiv State University named after Gorky, specialty "Biology".
1971-2010 - worked at the Poultry Institute of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. He held the position of chief researcher of the Department of Poultry Breeding and Genetics of the Institute of Poultry of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.
1976 - candidate of biological sciences, specialty 03.00.15 - "Genetics".
1982 - was awarded the academic title of senior researcher in the specialty 03.00.15 - "Genetics".
1995 - defended a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Biological Sciences, specialty 03.00.15 - "Genetics" on the topic "Genetic bases of breeding and use of autosex poultry".
Since 2010, he has been working as a manager. Department of feed technology and animal feeding of the Sumy National Agrarian University.
Main educational disciplines: "Animal genetics with biometrics", "Fundamentals of scientific research and patenting".
Scientific achievements: supervisor of 4 protected candidates of sciences, 1 doctor of agricultural sciences. Author of 190 scientific works, including 4 copyright certificates for inventions, 5 methodological recommendations and 1 monograph.
Field of scientific research: Genetics and selection of agricultural animals and poultry, population genetics and anthropogenetics.
State budget and farm contract topics: head and executor of the state budget topic under number 0117U004086 "Improving methods of hybridization of domestic and musk ducks and development of methods for determining the sex of ducklings."
Scientific article in the Scopus / Web of Science Core Collection database
1.Selection-driven chicken phenomenon and phenomenon of pectoral angle variation across different chicken phenotypes. Anatoly B. Vakhrameev, Valeriy G. Narushin, Tatyana A. Larkina, Olga Y. Barkova, Grigoriy K. Peglivanyan, Artem P. Dysin, Natalia V. Dementieva, Alexandra V. Makarova, Yuri S. Shcherbakov, Marina V. Pozovnikova, Yuri V. Bondarenko, Darren K. Griffin, Michael N. Romanov. Livestock Science, Volume 264, October 2022, p. 105067. doi: 10.1016/j.livsci.2022.105067.
2.Vakhrameev, A. B., Narushin, V. G., Larkina, T. A., Barkova, O. Yu., Peglivanyan, G. K., Artem P. Dysin, Dementieva, N. V., Makarova, A. V., Shcherbakov, Yu. S., Pozovnikova, M.V., Bondarenko, Yu.V., Griffin, D.K. & Romanov, M. N. Selection-driven chicken phenomenon and phenomenon of pectoral angle variation across different chicken phenotypes. Animal Science Papers and Reports (submitted, Poland). (Scope)
3.Popsui V.V., Bondarenko Yu.V., Opara V.O., Korzh O.V., Mashkin M.I., Ostapenko V.I., Levchenko I.V. Chickens - broilers features of growth with application of a water-soluble phytobiotic growth stimulator on the basis of a combination of essential oils. Bulgaria.
Articles in the domestic professional edition of category "B"
Khvostyk V. P., Bondarenko Yu. V., Paskevich G. A. Prediction of laying hens of different genetic origins. Scientific Bulletin of the Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after S. Z. Gzytskyi. 2023. Volume 25, No. 98. P. 60-65. doi:10.3
Khvostyk V.P., Bondarenko Yu.V. Genetic basis of autosexing of geese. Bulletin of the Sumy National Agrarian University. Series "Livestock", issue 5( 44 ), 2021. - P.82-87.2718/nvlvet-a9810.
Advanced training (internship): State Poultry Research Station, Kharkiv region, Zmiivskyi district, village Tags (May 4, 2017 - June 2, 2017, Ukraine).
Other information: member of the editorial board of "Bulletin of SNAU" and the scientific council of SNAU.
Internship and professional development:
Yu.V. Bondarenko